Top 3 Customer Reports for Analyzing Transactions

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AutoFluent® has many helpful reports you can use to track down information about your transactions with customers. With our Customer Transaction reports, it is easy to look back at your invoices, work orders, payments, and more! This guide will take you through three of our most commonly used Customer Reports. 

1. Customer Transaction Report

The Customer Transaction Report provides you with a simple list of transactions, showing the debit or credit actions to your account. On the generated report, each transaction will show you its transaction number, type of transaction, customer name, date, and how much was debited or credited. If there are any charge invoices, you’ll see the remaining open balance from the transaction. 

2. Customer Transaction Detail Report

The Customer Transaction Detail Report can be used to see full details of entire transactions. This report includes all of the line items on each transaction, their prices, quantities, totals, and any discounts applied, as well as how the transaction was paid. This report is a good choice if you need a detailed printout of every Invoice, Work Order, or Quote associated with a particular customer.

3. Customer Transaction Summary

The Customer Transaction Summary Report is favorite as well because it shows the profit, parts, labor, misc., discount, FET, sales tax, and total amounts for each transaction. Using this report gives you a quick snapshot of how well your business is performing.

General Instructions on Running Reports:

All of our reports can be accessed from the Reports button on the main menu of AutoFluent®. They are separated into Inventory, Customer, or Vendor reports. For the Customer Reports mentioned in this article, you can choose to run the report for all customers or one customer. You can choose a date range for the transactions you’d like to see and you can sort the results by customer name or by vehicle. Like many of our customer reports, you can also choose to only show customers associated with a particular sales category, sales rep, or tax rate. Lastly, you are able to choose which kinds of transactions to include in the report. For example, you can generate a list for all Invoices dated between June 1, 2021 to June 30, 2021, that were made from all Retail customers. 

We’re happy to help you keep customer transaction information at your fingertips with AutoFluent®! Contact AutoFluent® Support if you need any assistance with tracking down which report would work best for you.

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