Tips & Tricks: Use Chores to Maintain Shop Safety

As more and more people are returning to normal socializing and working conditions, it might be a good time to reevaluate your shop safety policies and procedures. Developing standards for your shop not only provides organizational structure for your employees, but also lays out a safe and professional setting that can leave a lasting effect on your customers. AutoFluent® can help you keep track of your daily safety operations.

Keep all your safety inspection policies and manuals in one place where everyone can find and sort through them. Develop a checklist for safety inspections. Then review that checklist with all employees. You may even put into effect a regularly scheduled safety inspection. Keep customer feedback in consideration at all times when creating your safety and cleanliness procedures. This will help you avoid having to address negative customer reviews on public sites. 

For daily safety and cleanliness procedures, you can use AutoFluent®’s Chore feature to track the chores that have been completed. These chores can be clocked into to track your technicians’ hours, and can be excluded or included in Mechanic Reports. To create a new chore, go to the Employee window and open the Chores tab at the top right. You can edit other chores here as well. Depending on the method of Mechanic Tracking you use in AutoFluent®, your techs can clock into chores or you can create entries to log the chores done. 

If your techs are set to punch in for jobs, they can punch into the Chores on the bottom of the Clock In Mechanics window. See the image below:

Punch In window.png

For all other mechanic tracking methods, anyone with the permission to go into the Mechanic Tracking window will be able to log in their chore and chore hours. See the image below:

Mechanic Tracking.png

The safety of your employee’s work areas and your customer spaces is something to consider at all times. Reevaluating safety policies, procedures, and sharing them with your employees will benefit your shop’s reputation and profitability. Keeping track of daily chores in AutoFluent® increases productivity and ensures that your employees are following standard procedures.

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