Introducing the New CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program

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Turn all of your customers into lifetime customers with the CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program. This unique and extremely cost effective program helps you build customer loyalty, increase service revenue and boost your reputation where it matters most. TABS is proud to be the first to launch this new integrated CRM.

 The CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program lets you put the power of the trusted CARFAX brand and data to work for your shop.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program?

The CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program is a new program to help aftermarket shops increase customer loyalty, drive more service revenue and boost their reputation.


What’s in it for my customers? 

Customers you enroll in the CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program will get a monthly dashboard courtesy of your shop that helps them track upcoming maintenance and directs them back to your shop. They also receive periodic service reminders and recall alerts to help them keep their cars safe and well maintained.


Can I offer the CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program to my customers who are already on myCARFAX?

Customers who have already chosen you as their Favorite Shop in myCARFAX will receive the same emails as those customers you enroll through the CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program, so there is no need to re-enroll them. If that customer appears on the list you provide, CARFAX will simply note that they are already enrolled.


How do I get started?

It’s easy. Just call 888-318-9293 to speak with a CARFAX representative. CARFAX can provide more information about how to share your list and get started.  


How often should I update my CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program customer list? 

We recommend that you update your lists at least once per month to capture any additional customers.

What will CARFAX do with my customer list?  

CARFAX will only use the list that you provide to send CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program emails (i.e. monthly dashboard, service reminders, recall alerts and ratings requests) to your customers. CARFAX is a trusted brand and they take data privacy seriously. See Section 42 of their Terms and Conditions ( for details.



What makes the emails sent through the CARFAX Shop Loyalty Program different from the other emails that my customers get?

Customers trust CARFAX and will open helpful emails. CARFAX has found an average open rate of 37% vs. the 14.5% automotive industry benchmark and a 9.8% click-through average compared to the 8.8% benchmark (source: Constant Contact 2018). 


When customers rate my shop, where do those ratings appear?

Ratings that your customers provide appear in Google searches for your shop name, as well as on the CARFAX Report.


How can I measure success? What reporting is available and when? Reporting is available to track your success. Data is updated daily and can be viewed over 1, 3 or 6 months. The reports show:


  • Total emails sent to customers

  • Total number of favorites

  • Total number of reviews

  • Rating out of 5 stars

  • Number of Returning Customers

  • Revenue of return service

  • Copies of the actual emails sent

For more information, click the helpful video below. To get started today, click here!

Adam Irby