Making the Most out of Demo Mode with AutoFluent Desktop

With so many customizations, options, and details that can be manipulated inside the software, you may wish there was a way to test them before implementing any changes into your live data. Well, let me formally reintroduce to you the Demo Mode and its capabilities. This is an invaluable utilization of AutoFluent Desktop software that seems to be overlooked by a majority of our users. This simple, yet profound tool lets you make as many changes as possible and not have a gut-wrenching feeling that you just might have just messed something up! Customers call in regularly to ask questions regarding situations they are not completely comfortable with carrying out themselves, and all they end up needing is reassurance that they are doing it correctly. We give these pioneers the okay while we watch them elegantly solve their own issues and voila - a new AutoFluent Desktop expert is born! 

In house, our bread and butter when testing out new and old features alike is the use of the Demo Mode ! This allows us to make drastic changes to AutoFluent Desktop without the stress that something could go wrong. I have a full-service auto shop that sells thousands of tires daily, making me one of the top tire dealers in the nation (In my Demo Nation of course). This is all while not having a single worry that I have just ordered 100 tires from a vendor, when I actually meant to order 10. I hope that with this brief article, users will gain new-found confidence when experimenting with newly found features that optimize workflow or or analyze profits, and be able to tackle them with confidence.

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