Computer Fitness

A car has similarities to the inner-workings of a computer. If you neglect regular maintenance, a car will break down and leave you stranded on the side of the road. That's why it's crucial to keep your computer systems in top shape to avoid costly downtime and lost productivity.

One of the most important tasks in computer maintenance is keeping your operating system and software up-to-date. Compared to oil in a car, this helps to keep the computer running efficiently and prevents costly repairs down the road. It's also crucial to apply security updates to protect your systems from vulnerabilities.

Regular backups of your data are also important. This is essential for businesses that rely on computer systems to store sensitive information, such as customer data or financial records. Having a recent backup can help you quickly restore your system in the event of a hardware failure or data loss, and prevent any major setbacks.

Like rotating the tires and checking the brake pads on a vehicle, disk cleaning and disk defragmenting can help to speed up your computer by reorganizing the files and folders on your hard drive. These help to reduce the time it takes for the computer to access files, and can help  prevent computer crashes. We recommend asking your computer tech about these procedures.

Battery backups are essential for your computer’s health, but just plugging your system into a battery is not enough. Have your technician install the software that came with your battery, and connect it to your computer with the USB cable that comes with the battery backup. Without this, your computer can still crash with a power outage, especially if it’s left on after hours.

Finally, it's also pertinent to keep your hardware in good working condition. This includes having the dust cleaned from the computer, keeping the software updated and running, and checks to make sure that the hardware is not overheating. Overheating can cause damage to the computer and even lead to a crash, just like a car that runs hot can cause damage to the engine. We have seen computers in tire shops whose insides were completely covered with a thick layer of black dust.

By keeping your software and hardware up-to-date, making regular backups, and monitoring for potential problems, you can help ensure that your computer systems are always ready to support your business.

Adam Irby