Consumers Are Now Buying High Mileage Vehicles

As of May 2022, we’ve still yet to see the end nearing for the global chip shortage that is impacting electric car production. Recent studies by researchers of the automotive industry noted that dealers are consequently now beginning to sell high mileage vehicles with upwards of 150,000 miles. Previously, such high mileage vehicles were rejected for purchase by dealerships and sent to auctions instead. What does this mean for you?

While the world waits for the chip shortage to abate, consumers are opting to keep their aging cars, or purchasing older gas-saving vehicles to hold them over. This means an increase in high-mileage vehicles coming into your shop for important maintenance. Building a relationship with your customers means creating a maintenance plan with them for these vehicles. 

Take time and use your expertise to educate your customers. Explain the needs and effects of vehicle care and convey the increased importance of bringing their cars back in for routine maintenance. Clarify the benefits of high-mileage oil and illustrate that taking care of small issues will help avoid larger issues. You are their partner in keeping them traveling safely down the road.

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