Intake, The Right Way

When a customer drives up onto your pavement, it’s important to have a meaningful conversation that not only entices them to come back, but to come back with a purpose. Customer experience is the hallmark of it all, but what does it consist of? Sure, the first few questions should uncover the reason they came in today, but you should also be asking them what they expect from their vehicle based on their lifestyle. 

Is it a rental? Do they drive 40 miles a day to work? Where do they drive it? Will they hand it down to their children for college? Are they taking a road trip soon? Will they replace this vehicle in a year or two? These are all questions that should come about naturally when conversing with a client in order to scope out their vehicle’s needs, in addition to creating a maintenance plan. Otherwise, customers will not seek your assistance until another belt falls off on an important day. And who’s to say that they will not visit a shop closer to their location of incident? 

Building a real relationship with your customers includes integrating their budget to meet their goals. If they like to cut costs by performing DIY vehicle projects, then take time to introduce your in-store products. The more satisfied they are with your attention to quality of care, the more sales you will generate. It is a symbiotic business-consumer relationship that can last generations.
