Tips & Tricks: Restore Windows That Do Not Appear On-Screen

Sometimes windows on your computer may not immediately appear when you initiate applications such as AutoFluent®. This especially is the case when you have multiple monitors and have a hard time locating the window. It might seem like a big issue, but not to worry! Here are a few things you can try that will fix issues such as a window not popping up on your desktop:

  • Mouse over the application’s icon on your taskbar (normally found at the bottom of your monitor). If you see a small preview of the window you are looking for, hover over the preview and your computer will show you where the window is.

  • If the above does not show where the window is, right click the preview and choose the “Maximize” option. Sometimes applications open minimized.

  • AutoFluent® has a particular built-in tool for itself! Click the AutoFluent® logo found on the homepage of your AutoFluent®. Click the button on the bottom right corner that says “Set Window Sizes and Positions to Factory Defaults on this Workstation.” This gathers all your AutoFluent® windows back onto your main monitor.
