Ensuring Inventory Accuracy with Physical Inventory Count

2021 February Inventory Article.jpg

Inventory recounts are especially necessary for businesses that stock a large number of items. With AutoFluent®’s Inventory Count feature, you can recount your entire physical inventory in one convenient place. If your shop uses our Bins feature, you can perform your counts bin by bin.  Each item’s barcode can be scanned to count in your quantities quickly and efficiently. Let’s get started!

Starting Your Physical Inventory Count

Before starting, you may want to print a Physical Inventory Report to use for writing down your quantities if you will not be using a barcode scanner. If you utilize Bins in AutoFluent®, we suggest printing the Bin Count Sheet Report instead. Access the Physical Inventory Count window by clicking the Inventory Count button on the main menu. To begin, click the Start New Session button at the bottom. Changes you make during this session will set your Inventory quantities as of midnight on the morning of the date you select for the Session beginning. (A typo in this window incorrectly states “evening”, this will be fixed in the next release.) It is important that you do not start two sessions for the same date; once your Session has been closed at the end of your counts, the next one should not be started until the next day at least. After starting the session, you will need to select a Bin to count from the dropdown at the upper left. If you do not have any bins, select <blank> from this list to show all your inventory items.

Performing Your Physical Inventory Count

On the right hand side, the Qty column is where you will input the correct quantity of the item. The Avail column tells you how many you currently have available to sell. The QOH is your current quantity on hand. If you are using a barcode scanner, you can click the Scan UPC button at the top to start scanning! Each barcode you scan will add a quantity of 1 for that item. This saves you time by not having to enter in each item’s quantity manually in the Qty column.

At any time you can click Save Changes and exit out of the window, and then come back and continue the session later. No changes to your inventory will actually occur until you close the session. All changes will be posted to the start date - even if you close days later. If you have a very large number of different items, you may need to check Show All at the top left in order to see the full list. You may also click Print Report at the bottom to see the changes you have set so far. The yellow Clear button will reset your counts.

Closing and Posting the Inventory Adjustments

When you are finished updating your quantities, you can click Close Session, Updating Inventory. Then you have the option to change the date the adjustments will actually post to, select the type of cost that the items will update with, and enter any necessary notes. If Post to General Ledger is checked and you post to accounting, the change in Inventory value will post to your accounting program. When you are done changing settings, click Close Session to end the session.
