Use Recommended Services to Upsell

2020 October .jpg

Do you practice upselling or cross-selling at your front counter? It’s no secret that it’s cheaper to sell to existing customers than it is to pour money into bringing in new customers. Selling by recommendation can help you increase your average dollar per transaction and also highlight the depth of your customer service offerings - building customer loyalty and increasing your brand image. We understand that importance, which is why AutoFluent® makes it easy to track and offer Recommended Services for each customer and vehicle that comes to your shop. 

The Recommended Services feature in AutoFluent® allows you to create and save quotes for any services you would like to suggest to your customer. When created, these services are attached to that specific vehicle, which means they will appear again when the customer brings their vehicle back to your shop. You can build customized services, or create recommendations from Vehicle Inspections. Once your Recommended Services are created and priced, the customer can Accept or Decline the services offered. 

To use the Recommended Services, start inside a Workorder or Quote with a vehicle, and click on the ‘Recommended Services’ button in the bottom left corner. If this button is red, then there are services that have been previously created for this vehicle, ready for you to suggest to your customer. To create services inside the Recommended Services window, you can either perform a ‘Vehicle Inspection’ or ‘Add a New Service’. Adding a New Service will allow you to build a Recommended Service for any particular job you’d like to sell. 

If you choose to perform a Vehicle Inspection, we recommend printing the ‘Mechanic Copy’ for your mechanic to fill out when the Workorder is printed. Once the inspection has been completed, your service writer can click through the green buttons to mark the items as good (green), OK (yellow), or bad (red), and add in any important notes. Once you hit ‘Save’, any category that did not pass the inspection will create a Recommended Service ready for you to price. To edit the price of any Recommended Services, click the ‘Edit’ button on the far left of that line. You can also name the service and specify a date on which it should be completed by. Click the yellow ‘Done’ button to save that Recommended Service. AutoFluent® also allows you to link items or packages to each vehicle inspection line to save you time. This procedure can also be done on a phone or tablet using the optional AutoInspect module.

The Recommended Services can then be ‘Accepted’ or ‘Declined’ by your customers. We suggest choosing to Email any declined services to make sure your customers have been reminded to come back in. You can choose to email the service right away, or email the service in a few weeks or months to remind the customer to return. Click here to read about Emailing Recommended Services. Any service that was not accepted by your customer will stay with the vehicle, so they can be recommended again in the future. 

Need additional help in learning and integrating Recommended Services into your workflow? Contact AutoFluent® Support today at (916) 576-2021, or email
