Tips & Tricks - Don’t Put Your Hard Work at Risk! Perform backups regularly

Have you ever completely lost any data? Your phone drops from your pocket, or your laptop is engulfed by a cup of coffee, or your server computer sparks a fire (yes that’s happened before) - and there it goes. Years of information and work vanishes into thin air. With any piece of software or technology that holds information, you need to ensure that your large amount of crucial data is not lost. If you have AutoFluent® data on a local server, we highly recommend backing up once every day after your business hours. If not, then make it a priority to back up at least once a week!  If your data is hosted on our cloud, you enjoy the peace of mind of having your data automatically backed up by us every single night.

Here’s how a backup will come into play if your server computer suddenly crashed: 

  • If your last backup was a week ago, and your server crashed today, we could load your backup from last week into a new server computer. However, the work you did in your AutoFluent® for the past week would be lost. 

  • If your last backup was from last night, you would only lose the work you did today. 

  • Consequently, if your last backup was 1, or 4 years ago - guess what? You would lose those years worth of work! Invoices, quotes, inventory, customers, bills, all of it! Yikes. Believe it or not, it has happened. Don’t let it happen to you!

Let’s perform a backup right now if you are not already on the cloud. First, you either want to backup onto a computer other than your server, or have an external hard drive, such as a USB drive, or both. When your backup a file is created, it’s best to place that file onto a workstation(s) and/or a USB drive. That way when your server crashes, you have that file safe on another computer or hard drive. If you are currently on Support, then you have the ability to backup to our cloud! That means that as long as you back up, you don’t have to worry at all, we will have that backup copy secured safely. 

From your AutoFluent® home screen, click the Backup button in the bottom right corner. Make sure you check the “Backup to Web” checkbox for a secure web backup! If you would like to have your own copy, click on “Add destination” and select the folder you would like to place a backup onto. Next, click “Back Up” on the bottom of this window. Your settings will be remembered. That’s all there is to it. Congratulations! Your data is safe.
