myCarfax Connects You & Your Customers


MyCarfax is a gem within the AutoFluent® system. This free service establishes long-term relationships between you and your customers, insuring that they return to you for their maintenance.

With the myCarfax app, your customers can:

  • Track their vehicles’ service history, showing them services to their vehicles which have been (automatically) reported by your shop and other myCarfax member shops.

  • Be reminded when their vehicles are due for maintenance.

  • Get a summary of their various maintenance items, such as Oil Change, Tire Rotations and Inspections, telling them when they need to be done again.

  • Be alerted to any open recalls and safety alerts on their vehicles.

  • When you sign them up, they will see your shop at the top of their list, above other myCarfax member shops near them.

  • Find out the current values of their vehicles.

  • Track up to 5 of their vehicles at no charge.

Your part is simple:  

  • In the customer’s Workorder, just click the blue and red My C Signup button.

  • This window will summarize the features of myCarfax for you to tell your customer.

  • With your customer’s permission, click the Enroll Customer Now button.

  • The customer will get an email describing the service, making it easy for them to sign up and get started.

  • Your customer can then benefit from the many myCarfax features in one of three ways:

    • Downloading the app from the iOS App Store

    • Downloading the app from Google Play

    • Going to 

That’s all there is to it. Your customers get a better handle on making sure their vehicles get the services they need, and you establish long-term relationships with your customers. Because when you sign your customers up, your shop is shown with all their myCarfax maintenance reminders! See for more information.

Glen Graham