Price Changes Tool

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Tired of changing prices one at a time? We have a tool for that! The Price Changes tool helps you make bulk changes to your inventory, whether it is pricing, costs, item groups, or other details. Find this tool on the home page of AutoFluent®, and be sure to perform a web backup before you make any large changes to your data. You’ll be able to preview the changes before you apply them.

You’ll first need to make a selection of the items you want to update Prices for using the search keys at the top. Once you fill in your filters, click Preview Selection at the top of the window to see all the items that will be affected by the changes you make. The total Lines Displayed lets you know how many items will be changed. 

The bottom section of the page allows you to choose what you will be changing for all the items selected. We’ll stay in the Prices tab. On the left, you’ll choose which price level(s) you will change. You will see a line appear with various items you can click and change. The first drop down menu will be the price you want to base your change off of. The next grey button will have the options of - / + / M. Use ‘-’ or ‘+’ to decrease or increase the markup percentage or choose ‘M’ to set a margin. The following grey button - / + will add or subtract the dollar amount stated. The last item allows you to round your prices in the selected manner. 

Before making changes, you’re able to select an item from the Preview List and see their Before and After price. If the changes in the After column are correct, you can click Update Inventory at the top right corner to apply these changes. 

You can change items groups, linked items, or vendors of your items by clicking on their respective tabs. Similar to how you changed the prices, find the items you want to change using the filters at the top. Open the tab of the information you want to change, and fill out the changes. When clicking Update Inventory, only the changes in the tab you have directly open will be applied. 

Need additional assistance in updating your inventory items? Contact AutoFluent® Support today!
